How to fix PHP. INI fatal memory limit issue?

How to fix PHP. INI fatal memory limit issue? [Important| Revised 2019]

This fatal PHP error occurs because, by default, PHP has a memory usage limit of 128 MB for any given script. If you encounter this error, it means that your PHP script has used up more memory than it is allowed to.

This can be solved using MultiPHP INI Editor inside cPanel

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How to Increase the Maximum Upload and PHP Memory Limit

Open Multi PHP INI Editor and set the options as per your requirement

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How to Increase the Maximum Upload and PHP Memory Limit

In the screenshot above, you can see maximum memory limit has been set to 128M. This means that if one of my PHP scripts consumes more than 128MB in memory, then the memory will be exhausted and the error will occur.

So what you can do is you can set or increase the maximum memory limit which is required for the php file.

Hopefully, this article helped to fix this issue up!

Thanks for Reading!!!

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