In this article, we will go to discuss more frequently use Linux commands with their definition that will make them easy to understand. I am not going to describe complete commands but it’s a compact list of the commands. It will be very useful for that person that belongs to a Linux background and also for beginners.
Commands- “It is a shell interface between Linux and you”
I am going to explain commends from the Linux library, you should consider the following commands as per your requirement-
- alias ( launch individual command and group of command)
- spell (Spell-checker single or library)
- apt-get (Automatic update Debian machine and install Debian)
- bzip2 ( Compress and decompress the file)
- cat (Displaying the content of the file)
- cd (Change the current directory)
- CMP (Compress two file and writes the result in standard output)
- comm (Compress line common to file 1 and file 2)
- cp (Copy file and directory)
- cpio (Archive the file)
- chmod (Change the access mode permission)
- CRON (Execute the program at the time)
- date (Sets a system date and time)
- echo (allow you to repeat string variable)
- enable (Start and stop printers and classes)
- env (Display the current environment and its variable)
- evail (Evaluate the server arguments)
- exec (Replace the parent process to typed command)
- exit ( Exit command terminate the script)
- expect (Talk to another integrative program)
- export (Convert the file into a different format)
- for (Used to execute the loop)
- file (Search the files in the directory)
- ftp (File transfer protocol)
- free (Display the total amount of the physical memory)
- gawk (See the AWK)
- in (Create a new a new name for the file)
- is (Lists the file and directories ar the current directory)
- locate (Read one or more databases)
- last (See the activity of the users)
- less (It allows quickly view the file)
- kill (Terminate the process)
- man (Display the user manually)
- more (Show details in percentage)
- mv (rename the file)
- mac (Text-based file manager)
- nslookup (find the corresponding IP addresses to hostname)
- passwd (Update the user authentication)
- PWD (Print working directory)
- read (Read the content to the line)
- screen (User can use multiple terminal windows)
- shutdown (Turn off the computer)
- sort (Sort the line of the text)
- SSH (Used to login to host)
- top (Display the processor activity)
- uptime ( It will show how long your system will running)
- who ( Return username, date, and time)
- while ( Repeat as long as serval condition)
- w (Show the login name, tty name, login time, etc.)
- vi (Open a file in the read mode or write mode)
These are the top 50 commands which you can use to operate Linux programming at the time of working on the project. You should remember these commands if you are a developer or beginner in the Linux field.
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