Hello Friends!!!
How to block all PHP files in a particular folder/directory in cPanel? [Important| Revised 2019]
Here in this tutorial we will get a permanent solution of how to Disable PHP file in any Directory via .htaccess
Follow these simple steps to disable/block any PHP file in any directory via .htaccess [Updated May 2019]
step::1 Login to your cPanel
step::2 Open File Manager section

step::3 Go inside public_html
step::4 Go inside “rohan”(is my directory, you can go to any of your directory)
step::5 Now create .htaccess file inside your directory or you can simply edit it if you already have
step::6 Now write the given code in the .htaccess file to block any php file

RewriteRule ^.*\.php$ – [F,L]
Now check the Directory URL from from new Private window
As soon as you hit that URL you will get a 403 Forbidden error

And at the same time my website is working fine because i have disallowed a particular directory with this code not the whole website.

So I guess now you have clearly understood how this code works!!!
Hope this helps you!!!!
Thanks for reading!!!