Here in this article, you will learn how to run the Php info function through the cPanel interface. This will help you in viewing the PHP version and configuration on the server. But before getting started watch the video on how to run PHP info function in cPanel.
Follow the steps given below to find PHP information through cPanel:
Step::1 Login to cPanel
Step::2 Search for Files section and click on the File manager
Step::3 Click on Public_html
Step::4 After this click on the new file to add a new file to the public_html to know PHP version and other extensions.
Step::5 Enter test.php in New File Name textbox and click on Create New File.
Step::6 The new file has been created and you can check it under public_html().
Step::7 Select test.php file and right-click on the file to select Code edit to add a small line of code shown in the next step.
Step::8 Copy the code from the link given below to your file and click on save.
Step::9 Open a new tab in your browser and type your domain name and add /test.php (filename) to get all the details related to PHP version and extensions.
That’s it!!!
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