Network Manager is installed and running : cPanel installation error [SOLVED]
This article describes how to disable the Network Manager service.
You must first disable the Network Manager service and enable the network.service
service before you install cPanel & WHM.
How to Disable Network Manager [UPDATED AUGUST 2019]
Disable the Network Manager service [IMPORTANT]
Here is the quick fix to resolve the problem :
Run both the commands and then restart the installation of cPANEL
To disable the Network Manager service, perform the following steps: [Important]
Perform these steps from the server’s console in order to prevent any interruption to network connectivity.
Disable Network Manager with the following commands:
systemctl stop NetworkManager
systemctl disable NetworkManager
Run the following commands to restart the network:
systemctl start network.service
If you have any questions or queries, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.
Thanks for Reading!!!