How do I convert an Addon domain to an account in WHM? [EXPLAINED]
First of all i would like to tell you that this can only be done by WHM Root. Users with access to WHM can convert an Addon domain to a seperate cPanel account in WHM.
Follow the steps given below to convert an Addon Domain to a seperate cPanel [IMPORTANT]
step::1 Login to your WHM(Root)
step::2 Click on Convert Addon Domain to Account under Transfer section
step::3 Click on the convert icon beside that Addon Domain to convert it into a separate cPanel
step::4 That’s it!!
We hope this article was clear enough to make you understand how to Convert an Addon Domain to seperate cPanel account in WHM Root.
If you have any questions or queries, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

Thanks for Reading!!!
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