How to Install MyBB via Softaculous?

Today, in this tutorial, we will go through the detailed procedure to install MyBB via Softaculous.

Install MyBB via Softaculous
  • Login to cPanel and go inside Software section.
  • You can also search for softaculous in search bar and navigate to Softaculous Apps Installer in Software section.

    Features of cPanel
    Softaculous Apps Installer
  • On the next page, scroll down to Forums section and select MyBB.
  • Click over Install Now and proceed to install MyBB via Softaculous in cPanel.

    Install MyBB
  • You will be directed to the next page. Fill-up the required credentials to set up the installation.
  • In Software Setup section,  Choose Installation URL, choose the URL to install the software.
    1. Choose Protocol: Select protocol for your website URL from the drop down.
    2. Choose Domain: Select the domain for you want to install MyBB. (If you have multiple domains, then select the one from the drop down list).
    3. In Directory: Enter the directory name in which you want to install all the files and directories of MyBB. (If you leave this box blank it will install in your domain directory).
  • In Board Settings,
    1. Board Name: Enter the name of your forum that will appear on your website.
    2. Site Description: Write in brief about your forum.
    3. Board Email: Enter a valid email for the forum.

      Set-Up Installation
  • In Admin Account,
    1. Admin Username: Enter the username which you will use to access your admin panel.
    2. Admin Password: Generate a strong password to login to your admin panel.
    3. Admin Email: Enter the email where you will receive all your updates.
  • Scroll down to Choose Language from the drop down and then Advanced Options to set up database details.

    Set-Up Database
  • Click over Install and complete the Installation. As the installation gets completed, you will receive a message.

    Successfully Installed MyBB

You will get Installation and Administrative URL. Steps to login to Admin Control Panel is given as well.

  • Now, click over installation URL and you will be directed to front page of the forum.

    Front Page
  • With Administrative URL, you will be directed to Admin Login Page. Enter the credentials that you set up while installation.

    Admin Login Page
  • You will be directed to Admin Dashboard of MyBB.

    MyBB Admin Dashboard

That’s It !

Hope the article better describes the procedure to install MyBB via Softaculous in cPanel. Do share it with your colleagues if you find it working. Also share your suggestions and drop your queries to start the discussion on the related topic. Lets connect on social media with the below links.

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