Well, purchasing web hosting is quite easy these days. Currently, where the Internet has become the most popular & effective way to promote business & earn a lavish amount of money, the demand for Web Hostings are also increased. According to Statista.com, there are more than 1.01 billion active internet hosts present on the Internet over 330k Web Hosting Providers.
GoDaddy alone holds approx 20% of the Internet Web market whereas, many other big brands are on the list such as; Amazon AWS, HostGator, BlueHost, Etc. You might have used some of them but are they really the Cheapest Web Hosting Providers you’ve ever used? If your answer is YES, then you might be wrong. These are definitely the secured & reliable ones but not the Cheapest ones. So, it is still not too late to start your carrier as a Web Hosting Provider and, you can start your journey by purchasing the Cheapest Linux Reseller Hosting from us.
Many other websites offer the kind of similar prices but, their hidden charges & low configuration will hurt your website & pocket too. Let me take you to a detailed explanation of how to choose the perfect hosting provider for your business.
How To Find The Cheapest Linux Hosting Provider?
Well, by following the below tactics, you’ll nearly find the best & the cheapest Linux hosting provider that suits your business need especially, when you’re on a tight budget.
Make a List
First of all, make a list of Top Web Hosting Providers & the Cheap Web Hosting Providers and analyze the key difference between the features of the Top Providers with Cheap Providers.
Find Your Key Requirements
There are various requirements for different users. For instance, my key requirement is to get decent features at the cheapest cost. So, I’ll analyze the features of all the web hosting providers with my Key Requirements.
Select The Cheapest Hosting Provider With Decent Features
After analyzing & selecting the best & the cheapest web hosting provider with all those features you need in your web hosting, you’re ready to go with the final one.
Many other web hostings are also in the market such as; Windows Hostings, WordPress Hostings, Etc but, Linux hosting has got a vast scope in comparison with Windows or WordPress. Fewer providers offer discounts on Linux hostings as it is the most popular Web Hosting Service but, here at RedserverHost, we’re offering one of the Cheapest Web Hosting Solutions such as; Linux Reseller Hosting, Linux Shared Hosting, Unmanaged Dedicated Servers, Cheap SSD Hostings, etc.
What To Analyse Before Buying A Web Hosting?
Features & Prices :
First of all, go to the website you desire to purchase something from and check for the features offered by the provider. Analyze that feature & prices with some other popular providers then select the best one. For example, see the below image of RedserverHost’s features.
Customer Reviews :
Checking the latest customer reviews will help you analyze the website properly & help you choose the right one for your business.
Checking out the customer review of a website can clear many doubts regarding the website. The review section is totally transparent that is the reason that most of the users purchase hostings just by analyzing the Review because they believe in the reviews as they know that the review has been placed by a genuine person.
Personal Experience :
Well, that might look vaguely out of the topic but, it’s true. Experiencing something on a personal level will give you another level of knowledge and understanding about the particular thing/website or service.
Guaranteed Uptime :
Well, uptime is a kind of feature that every web hosting provides with a guarantee. It is common to provide 99.9% of uptime for web hosting providers as the servers they’re using are present somewhere else in top-notch security that barely fails. However, you should check the uptime before buying hosting that if it’s guaranteed or not.
Customer Support :
Here comes one of the most essential things to analyze before buying web hosting but, customer support is a kind of thing that you’ll analyze only after using the service. However, at some points, you can analyze the experience of Customer support of previous users from the Review Section that I’ve mentioned above.
There are many other factors to be considered before buying Web Hosting such as; Cost, Bandwidth limit, Emails/FTP/Addon domains limit, Renewal cost, and many others.
Moreover, If you wish to enquire about anything related to us, you can send us an email at support@redserverhost.com or, message us on our Social Media Platforms such as; Facebook & Twitter.