Web hosting consists between two parts, first is the domain name and second is hosting, when it works together then website hosting will make possible. If you think that you can host your website without domain name then you are wrong, you can’t. similar you can’t make your website possible without hosting. These are the working for the website like as wheels, that makes a balance of website at the time of running on the server. I would like to explain the relations between domain and hosting.
Let’s explain to me –
Domain name is a naming system that will work like a name your contact number in mobile, behind of every domain you will see an IP address. which is actually an identification of the website. It is string form IP numbers which make understandable your website in hosting market. Without domain name is not possible for people to search your website on the network. RedServerHost is one of the best domain registrars in India, you can buy domain name here at cheapest cost. Domain services with free SSL server security.
Hosting is internet services which allow you to host your website individual, organization, company or firm on the server. Here you will get a disk space on the main server where you can upload your files/ folder and set up your name server with the domain and within some time you can see your website on the server. Without hosting is not possible to set up your domain name server and make it live. By purchasing the website hosting packages you are, you are buying a disk space on the server.
So, In the first step, you should buy a domain name as per your requirement and then purchase a hosting plan to make your website online. Domain and hosting are complementary services of each other, like tea or coffee.
I hope now you have been understood the relationship between a domain name and hosting plans. You can buy both together at RedServerHost.
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